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Numbers in Hindi
हिंदी में गिनती Hindi me^ ginti 1 ek एक 2 do दो 3 teen तीन 4 chaar चार 5 paanch पाँच 6 chhe छह/छः 7 saat सात 8 aath आठ 9 nau नौ 10...
Adverb in Hindi
Adverb describes an action verb. It has four categories: when, how, to what extent, and where When How Where/place At what extent Early जल्दी Happily ख़ुशी से Outside बाहर Very बहुत Today आज Sadly...
Conjunction in Hindi
The conjunction can be used to join words or groups of words and और – मेरे और मेरी बहन की शादी हो चुकी...
Color names in Hindi
Color names in Hindi In Hindi In (Pronunciation) In English Audio Pronunciation नीला neelaa blue पीला peelaa yellow हरा haraa green काला kaalaa black सफ़ेद safed white लाल laal red बैंगनी bengni purple गुलाबी...
Week days in Hindi
Week days हफ़्ते के दिन hafte ke din सोमवार को somvaar ko (on Monday) मंगलवार को magalvaar ko (on Tuesday) बुधवार को budhvaar ko ( on Wednesday) वीरवार/गुरुवार/बृहस्पतिवार को veervaar/guruvaar/brihaspativaar ko (on Thursday) शुक्रवार...
Future tense (Plurals)
Future tense Examples You will eat. You will sleep. You will write. You will go. We will watch. We will eat. They will read the book. They will bring vegetables. Let’s try You will...