Role-Play: Doctor and Patient
- डॉक्टर (Doctor)
- रोगी (Patient)
- रोगी की माँ / पिता (Patient’s Mother/Father)
Scene: The patient and parent are visiting a doctor’s clinic.
- माँ / पिता:
नमस्ते डॉक्टर साहब! - डॉक्टर:
नमस्ते! आइए, बैठिए। क्या समस्या है? - रोगी:
डॉक्टर साहब, मेरे पेट में दर्द हो रहा है। - डॉक्टर:
कब से दर्द हो रहा है? - रोगी:
दो दिन से। - डॉक्टर:
और कोई समस्या? बुखार या उल्टी हुई? - माँ / पिता:
जी हाँ, बुखार भी है। - डॉक्टर:
ठीक है। मैं दवा लिख देता हूँ। इसे समय पर लें और आराम करें। - माँ / पिता:
धन्यवाद, डॉक्टर साहब! - डॉक्टर:
कोई बात नहीं। जल्दी ठीक हो जाओ। नमस्ते।
Role-play 2
Doctor: नमस्ते! आप कैसे हैं? (Hello! How are you?)
Patient: नमस्ते डॉक्टर साहब, मैं ठीक नहीं हूँ। (Hello doctor, I am not well.)
Doctor: क्या लक्षण हैं? (What are the symptoms?)
Patient: मुझे बुखार (fever) और खांसी (cough) है। (I have a fever and a cough.)
Doctor: कब से ये लक्षण हैं? (Since when do you have these symptoms?)
Patient: पिछले तीन दिनों से। (For the past three days.)
Doctor: ठीक है, मैं आपका तापमान (temperature) चेक करूँगा। (Alright, I will check your temperature.)
Patient: जी डॉक्टर। (Yes, doctor.)
Doctor: आपका तापमान 101°F है। (Your temperature is 101°F.)
Patient: क्या मुझे कोई दवा (medicine) लेनी होगी? (Will I need to take any medicine?)
Doctor: हाँ, मैं आपको बुखार और खांसी के लिए दवा लिखूंगा। (Yes, I will prescribe medicine for fever and cough.)
Patient: धन्यवाद डॉक्टर। (Thank you, doctor.)
Doctor: कृपया इस अस्पताल का फॉर्म (hospital form) भरें। (Please fill out this hospital form.)
Patient: जी, मैं अभी भरता हूँ। (Yes, I will fill it out now.)
Doctor: और कुछ सवाल हैं? (Any other questions?)
Patient: नहीं, धन्यवाद। (No, thank you.)
Doctor: ठीक है, जल्दी ठीक हो जाइए। (Alright, get well soon.)
हॉस्पिटल फॉर्म (Hospital Form in Hindi)
रोगी का विवरण (Patient Information)
- नाम: __________________________
- उम्र: __________________________
- लिंग: ☐ पुरुष ☐ महिला ☐ अन्य
- पता: __________________________
- संपर्क नंबर: __________________________
- आपातकालीन संपर्क (Emergency Contact):
नाम: __________________________
नंबर: __________________________ - रक्त समूह (Blood Group): ☐ A+ ☐ A- ☐ B+ ☐ B-
☐ AB+ ☐ AB- ☐ O+ ☐ O-
स्वास्थ्य से संबंधित जानकारी (Health Information)
- क्या आपको पहले से कोई बीमारी है?
☐ हाँ ☐ नहीं
यदि हाँ, कृपया विवरण दें: __________________________ - क्या आपको कोई एलर्जी है?
☐ हाँ ☐ नहीं
यदि हाँ, कृपया विवरण दें: __________________________ - क्या आप अभी कोई दवा ले रहे हैं?
☐ हाँ ☐ नहीं
यदि हाँ, कृपया नाम लिखें: __________________________
हस्ताक्षर (Signature)
रोगी के हस्ताक्षर: __________________________
तिथि: __________________________
Props Required:
- Doctor’s Props:
- White coat (for the student playing the doctor)
- Stethoscope (toy or real)
- Prescription pad and pen
- Hospital form
- Use signs in Hindi like “डॉक्टर का क्लिनिक” (Doctor’s Clinic)
- Additional Learning Materials:
- Flashcards with Hindi vocabulary for body parts (पेट – stomach, सिर – head, हाथ – hand).
- Visual aids showing common symptoms and treatments in Hindi.
1. Common Symptoms (सामान्य लक्षण)
लक्षण अर्थ चित्र बुखार (Bukhaar) Fever 🌡️ सिरदर्द (Sir Dard) Headache 🤕 पेट दर्द (Pet Dard) Stomach ache 🤢 खाँसी (Khaansi) Cough 🤧 जुकाम (Zukaam) Cold 🤒 थकान (Thakaan) Fatigue 😴 चोट (Chot) Injury 🤕
2. Common Treatments (सामान्य उपचार)
उपचार अर्थ चित्र दवा (Dawa) Medicine 💊 बैंडेज (Bandaid) Bandage 🩹 आराम (Aaraam) Rest 🛏️ गर्म पानी (Garam Pani) Hot water ☕ डॉक्टर से मिलना (Doctor se milna) Visiting a doctor 👨⚕️ 👩⚕️
Your turn:
Use AI to create a role-play
Role-Play: Doctor and Patient
- Write a role-play in simple sentences with two people.
- Each person should have at least 7-8 sentences.
- This role-play is between a doctor and a patient.
- Use Hindi words for symptoms (लक्षण) and treatment (उपचार).
- Use props such as medicine (दवा), hospital form (अस्पताल का फॉर्म), and pretend that you are filling it out.
- Ask several questions.
Day One (Monday)
- Begin by practicing the given role-play by me with your partner to build confidence and understanding.
- Next, collaborate with your partner to create your own unique role-play using an AI tool.
- The role-play must be written in Hindi (no transliteration) and should include 7-8 sentences per partner to ensure a balanced dialogue.
Day Two (Wednesday)
- Together as a class, we will read your role-plays aloud and analyze them.
- We’ll identify areas for improvement, discuss what feels authentic, and refine any phrases or ideas that may need adjustment.
- This will also be a great opportunity to discuss commonly used phrases and vocabulary that appear in the dialogues.
- Practice your customized role-play thoroughly with your partner to prepare for the presentation.
Day Three: Friday: Oral Presentation (20 Points)
- I will give a conversation starter.
- You and your partner will perform your role-play in front of the class.
- Important: Memorize your lines—reading from notes, papers, or laptops is not allowed.
- Bring the role-play to life by adding expression and acting skills. The performance should feel natural and engaging.
conversation starter.
You must include the following:
You will do the role-play and then switch roles. Once you will be a doctor and then a patient.
You will fill out the patient form asking for the following information: name, age, gender, address, any old problems, and allergies.
How are you?
What are your symptoms?
How long have you had these symptoms?
Do I need to take any medicine?
What else should I take care of? (e.g., don’t eat/don’t do)
See you later.
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | ||
Oral presentation I will give a conversation starter.
You and your partner will perform your role-play in front of the class.Important: Memorize your lines—reading from notes, papers, or laptops is not allowed. |
Act out the role Bring the role-play to life by adding expression and acting skills. The performance should feel natural and engaging.
Total Points: 20