1. Meeting and Greeting

अमन: नमस्ते! आप कैसे हैं?
(Hello! How are you?)

रवि: नमस्ते! मैं ठीक हूँ। आप कैसे हैं?
(Hello! I’m fine. How are you?)

अमन: मैं भी ठीक हूँ। मेरा नाम अमन है। और आपका नाम?
(I’m also fine. My name is Aman. And yours?)

रवि: मेरा नाम रवि है। आपसे मिलकर खुशी हुई।
(My name is Ravi. Nice to meet you.)

अमन: मुझे भी आपसे मिलकर खुशी हुई। आप कहाँ से हैं?
(Nice to meet you too. Where are you from?)

रवि: मैं दिल्ली से हूँ। और आप?
(I’m from Delhi. And you?)

अमन: मैं जयपुर से हूँ।
(I’m from Jaipur. 

अमन: अच्छा, तो मैं आपको अपने दोस्त से मिलवाता हूँ। यह रीना हैं।
(Alright, let me introduce you to my friend. This is Reena.)

रीना: नमस्ते, रवि! आप कैसे हैं?
(Hello, Ravi! How are you?)

रवि: नमस्ते, रीना! मैं ठीक हूँ। और आप?
(Hello, Reena! I’m fine. And you?)

रीना: मैं भी ठीक हूँ। आप क्या करते हैं?
(I’m fine too. What do you do?)

रवि: मैं एक शिक्षक हूँ। और आप?
(I’m a teacher. And you?)

रीना: मैं एक डॉक्टर हूँ। आपसे मिलकर अच्छा लगा।
(I’m a doctor. Nice to meet you.)

रवि: मुझे भी आपसे मिलकर अच्छा लगा।
(Nice to meet you too.)

अमन: रवि, आपको क्या पसंद है?
(Ravi, what do you like?)

रवि: मुझे किताबें पढ़ना और यात्रा करना पसंद है। और आपको?
(I like reading books and traveling. And you?)

अमन: मुझे खाना बनाना और संगीत सुनना पसंद है।
(I like cooking and listening to music.)

रीना: यह सुनकर अच्छा लगा।
(That’s nice to hear.)

अमन: फिर मिलेंगे।
(See you later.)

रीना: फिर मिलेंगे।
(See you later.)



  1. Name Tags: To identify each character and make the role-play more realistic.
  2. Occupation Cards: Cards with different occupations written on them to facilitate discussion about jobs.
  3. Small Props: Items related to occupations (e.g., a toy stethoscope for a doctor, a book for a teacher) to add context.
  4. Conversation Starters: Flashcards with prompts to help guide the conversation.

Now it is your turn choose a partner you will perform this role-play.

Sample prompt for AI:

Meeting and Greeting in Hindi 

Create a role-play for two partners using simple sentences in Hindi without transliteration. Ensure each person speaks at least six sentences. Include elements such as greetings, asking “How are you?”, discussing occupations, expressing “Nice to meet you,” and inquiring about preferences like “What do you like?” to make the conversation engaging and relatable.

Day One 

  • Begin by practicing the given role-play by me with your partner to build confidence and understanding.
  • Next, collaborate with your partner to create your own unique role-play using an AI tool.
  • The role-play must be written in Hindi (no transliteration) and should include 5-6 sentences per partner to ensure a balanced dialogue.

Day Two 

  • Together as a class, we will read your role-plays aloud and analyze them.
  • We’ll identify areas for improvement, discuss what feels authentic, and refine any phrases or ideas that may need adjustment.
  • This will also be a great opportunity to discuss commonly used phrases and vocabulary that appear in the dialogues.


  • Practice your customized role-play thoroughly with your partner to prepare for the presentation.

Day Three: : Oral Presentation (20 Points)

  • I will give a conversation starter. 
  • You and your partner will perform your role-play in front of the class. I will assign a new partner in the class. 
  • Important: Memorize your lines—reading from notes, papers, or laptops is not allowed.
  • Bring the role-play to life by adding expression and acting skills. The performance should feel natural and engaging. Make it funny with your answers. 
  • You and your partner should say the same number of sentences. You need to ask the same questions.

Conversation Starter (please include in your conversation) 

Greetings: How would you start a conversation? (How are you? What’s going on, etc.)

How is the weather? Where are you from? What do you like? What do you do? It is a pleasure to meet you.

I will see you later.


Oral presentation
Oral presentation
Criteria Ratings Pts

Oral presentation

I will give a conversation starter.
You and your partner will perform your role-play in front of the class.Important: Memorize your lines—reading from notes, papers, or laptops is not allowed.

10 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks
10 pts

Act out the role

Bring the role-play to life by adding expression and acting skills. The performance should feel natural and engaging.

10 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks
10 pts
Total Points: 20




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