Vocabulary Builder Quiz 5 (Hindi 102)
Chapter 10 aaloo raja and lesson 13 Human being (m) मनुष्य Village (m) गाँव Blind अंधा Population (f) जनसंख्या/आबादी Brain (m) दिमाग़ Fever (m) बुख़ार Experience (m) अनुभव To serve, to make someone drink...
Chapter 10 aaloo raja and lesson 13 Human being (m) मनुष्य Village (m) गाँव Blind अंधा Population (f) जनसंख्या/आबादी Brain (m) दिमाग़ Fever (m) बुख़ार Experience (m) अनुभव To serve, to make someone drink...
Vocabulary builder quiz 4 Lesson 12 and mera mobile kahan hai. X के ऊपर pp. above X X के नीचे under X X के बीच में pp. in the middle of X, between X...
Chapter 38, 39 and 40 from Hindi reader Vocabulary builder quiz 5 अधिकार m. right (legal or moral) अलग adj. different आशीर्वाद m. blessing अगरबत्ती f. incense stick अच्छा-ख़ासा adj. very good एक दूसरे...
Prompt: Write a story about a memorable trip you took to India or any other country. Describe an event that had a significant impact on you, whether it was something good or bad. Focus...
Scenario: Your friend is lost in a mela (fair). You go to the volunteer office where the lost and found section is located. You need to ask and answer several questions to find your friend....
Chapter 35 and Chapter 36 अचानक adv. suddenly अँधेरा m. darkness आवाज़ f. sound, voice आज़ाद adj. independent, free असली adj. real बादल m. cloud बारिश f. rain बड़ा होना vi. to grow up...
Intermediate: “दिमाग़ का दही” is a Hindi idiom that translates to “brain turned into yogurt” in English. It is used humorously to describe a situation where someone is feeling mentally exhausted or overwhelmed,...
Elementary class: Listen to the role-play and answer after listening the audio. Some useful vocabulary दुपट्टा: Dupatta (a long scarf worn by women in India) कितने का है?: How much is it? कुछ...
Dictation 3 (Hindi 204) न्यूज़ (news) वायरल (viral) कंटेंट (content) व्लॉग (vlog) ट्रेंड (trend) मीडिया (media) फीड (feed) लाइक (like) शेयर (share) फॉलोवर (follower) हैशटैग (hashtag) स्ट्रीम (stream) चैनल (channel) लाइव (live) कमेंट (comment)...
Vocabulary from chapter 33 (Delhi me pathako par rok) and chapter 34 ( Jameela ki Khareedari) Hindi Word Grammar English Meaning रोक m. ban प्रदूषण m. pollution X के ठीक पहले pp. just before...